Steve Mann; Selected Papers, Research Interests, etc..
- Comparametric Equations
- Guest editor's introduction, IEEE Intelligent Systems,
Volume 16, Number 3, May/June, 2001
- ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (being scanned...)
Wearable Intelligent Signal Processing:
Lead article from Proceedings of the IEEE,
Nov. 1998, Vol. 86, No. 11, cover+p2123-2151
- The Wyckoff priciple: extending dynamic range
by combining differently exposed images
Wearable Computing: A first step toward "Personal Imaging"
IEEE Computer, Vol.30, No.3 (summary of
my last 20 years as a "photographic cyborg").
- Algebraic projective geometry
and "Periodicity in Perspective"
- Beyond digital photography:
The new imaging renaissance (Video Orbits).
- Mathematical
theory behind "Personal Imaging", as published in
Sep.'97 issue of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Joint
parameter estimation in both domain and range of
functions in same orbit of projective-Wyckoff group
This paper pertains to creating high resolution radiance maps,
by combining differently exposed pictures of the same subject matter
in order to extend dynamic range. (Based on an earlier
1993 paper
published in IS&T.)
- The chirplet transform
(a generalization of the wavelet transform),
useful for applications in image processing, imaging, radar,
wearable radar (e.g. the Blind Vision project, etc.).
- Guest editor's introduction,
first Special Issue, Personal Technologies Journal.
- BlindVision...
wearable radar with vibrotactile output, etc.
ISEA 97, Chicago, 1997
- Eudaemonic Eye
CHI-97, Atlanta, 1997
WearComp/WearCam, etc. journal=Personal Technologies,
Vol.1 No.1, March 1997
- Definition
of Wearable Computing (What is Wearable Computing?)
- An historical
account of the WearComp project.
- Wearable Wireless Webcam
and the personal visual assistant.
- Wearable, Tetherless, Computer-Mediated Reality
(with possible future applications to the disabled)
Feb. 2, 1996 (adapted to paper i
presented at AAAI, Nov. 1996)
- Empowerment: Fundamental Issues in
Wearable Computing (Prof. Mann's ICWC-98 Keynote Address)
- `Smart Clothing'
- Smart clothing: Turning the tables
(how wearable technologies can protect our
privacy and freedom as the world around us
becomes "smarter" and more intrusive)
ACM Multimedia 96, Boston, MA, 1996
- Picture of Steve,
wearing various embodiments of his "wearcomp" invention
- More on art
(invited plenary lecture at Ars Electronica, along
with a week long performance piece there called "Sicherheitsglaeser"):
- A light
overview in the popular press (e.g. how
the "WearComp" project was brought to MIT in 1991, etc..).
if that file is too big, a smaller one is also available:
- Retrospective exhibit
of various embodiments of the
WearComp/WearCam inventions from over the last 20 years,
with an emphasis on embodiments selected to question the
role of surveillance in society:
If you are into Amateur Radio, consider joining
the Internet Packet Amateur Television Society.
If you're in the Toronto area, there will be an exhibit of
Prof. Mann's WearComp inventions at the Ontario Science Center,
opening Feb. 28, 1998. The exhibit will then travel to the
Stedelijk Museum of Art in Amsterdam.
WearComp related exhibits and performances
Prof. Steve Mann
University of Toronto
Department of Electrical Engineering, Room S.F. 2001,
10 King's College Road; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; M5S 3G4
Tel. 416.946-3387
Fax. 416.971-2326
You may also want to visit my
University of Toronto faculty WWW page