wired camera; moved around a little black tape to improve, etc dots -w -r 9 -c 14 netcam8.5_E_wired/deletemedots Input image size: (480 (y), 640 (x)). Frames: 1. Bytes/pixel : 1. Hold on, working... Working on netcam8.5_E_wired/deletemedots/data. Read 307200 bytes of input image data. C O M 320.22208 239.44667 7.50000 5.00000 moment 236.51132 4.78714 49.40560 X , Y 42.68671 47.87160 linearity error (no correction) 813.87286 StartErr 16.22192 320.00 240.00 linearity error 16.22192 unit = 4.000000 unit = 2.000000 unit = 1.000000 unit = 0.500000 unit = 0.250000 Final Best quarter pixel resolution: 2.58413 325.75 215.50 Final poly -1.074184e-12 0.000000e+00 6.559819e-07 0.000000e+00 9.561596e-01 linearity error 2.58413 run swarp -w -x 325.75 -y 215.50 -a 9.561563974e-01 -b 6.559797119e-07 -c -1.074180737e-12 -o outfile infile Th'th'that's all, FFolks!