Equiveillance: SUR/SOUSveillance Equilibrium
Personal anecdotes
- EyeTap, electric eyeglasses,
- visual memory prosthetic
- seeing eye people
- photographic memory as an art form; harrassment by officials
- concerns, examples,
- self modification, e.g. US consulate
- board meeting
- activist looking for trouble and found it; no sympathy
- passive reflectionism; not an activist, therefore point of contact
interaction, not deliberate action against high authority:
low level workers
- unwittingly ... art
- this gave me a new understanding of surveillance
- hotel asking for id,
- id reciprocity wallet, (described in recent Leonardo article)
Slide 2: SURveillance, YES SIRveillanceTM!
Legal, Ethical, and Existimological Questions associated
with SOUSveillance
and Lifelong Personal Imaging, Video Capture and
Incidentalist Imaging in the age of portable wireless technologies.
Simon Davies quote... equiveillance
both sides of a party keep a copy of a contract;
the right to keep one's own evidence; destruction of evidence
getting hold of surveillance data is difficult at best (Surveillance and Society article on People Watching People)
10 hypotheses of equiveillance